Thursday, February 5, 2009

Baby Update!

Well I went to the doctor on Wednesday morning and I had not changed at all in a week. So we talked about our options and what the doctor would like to see. We have been open this whole pregnancy about doing a v back. My doctor was also encouraging that we would try for a v back but be open minded and just wait and see at the end how things go. This being said since I had not progressed at all we are now looking at doing a c-section. He does not want me to go over due and end up with a huge baby and I really don't want that either! So I left the doctor with the plan of seeing him again on Tuesday morning to see if I have progressed and if we would have the option of inducing, if inducing is not an option we will go ahead with a c-section that is scheduled for Wednesday morning! I am so glad the we have a plan and that I do not have to go through the torture of going over due again.


  1. That is exciting news. The time is almsot here..I remember those days and couldnt' wait to hold my new little one! I hope it all goes well. v backs are scarey but worth it. That is what happened with us too. Keep us posted. Good luck

  2. I'm so glad to hear about this update, like i said before I'm thinking about you and the baby! I hope that it all works out for the best for you all!! Good luck with everything and I'm excited to see the pictures of the baby when it comes!! :)
