Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Beau started smiling last week at three weeks old. It is so much fun to see your child smile at you for the first time! We are all loving Beau and adjusting well to having a new baby in the house. Owen loves being a big brother and asks to hold Beau all the time. As for mom and dad we are doing well. Beau gets up twice in the night to eat so I am very tired. I am not used to this getting up thing. Owen sleep night right away so it has been and adjustment for me. Andy thinks that Beau does not like him. I think that it is just because the evenings are his fussy time and that is when Andy is at home! Over all we are all doing great. Beau is a great baby and we are loving watching him grow and seeing his BEAUtiful smile!


  1. Thats cute how his name is in beautiful!! His smile is SOOO CUTE!! He looks like a happy baby and sweet one at that. :) Glad to hear an update on everyone. :) Excited to see you all this weekend!! :)

  2. Maya likes that Beau is working on keeping you up at night, she wants him to know that he's kind of a rookie. If he needs any pointers she is more than happy to help! :)

  3. I didn't even hear that you popped your precious one out!! Congratulations, he sure is a cutie! Beau and our 2 year old share the same birthday. We need to get together and have a few play dates!

  4. Sounds familiar... Hadden is still getting up twice a night it gets less and less fun all the time when I know he could be sleeping all night, especially when he weighs a hefty 17lbs of something close! Hadden is always grumpy at night too, so we have the same issues. But, it kind of all melts away when they smile at you and that Beau has a great one, and how nice of him to show it to you so early in his little life! Well, I better go get my crying baby out of his crib...

  5. Cute pictures!! It was fun to see you at the wedding and your precious little one!!
