How in the world do you get them so inexpencive then? A man out of Salt Lake City who has been in the desinger denim business for 9 years started the company. He knows a lot of the desingers and has many contacts in the industry. He is able to buy last season and over stalk jeans at a deap discount. With out his conections this business would not be posible.
So how does it work? Well we do in home trunk events. We bring the jeans to the host's house, they have all of there frinds over to try on jeans. They find the ones that they love buy them and take them home! It is a great time with the ladies trying in jeans and hanging out.
This company is only 6 month old and is growing fast! I am excited to get in on the ground level!
You can check it out on my website, Check my website often to see when I am having a show or book a show of your own and earn free jeans. I will travel! With in reason that is!! You can also contact me from the website if you are interested in learning about the business oppertunity.
Please come out to my business launch party and see the jeans for yourself! Friday October 22nd, 7 p.m.